Reportage, Portraits, Corporate, Travel, Fine Art Photographer in Vejer de la Frontera, Andalusia, Spain

Hello and welcome to my website!  I’m Claudia Wiens, a passionate and professional photographer since 1995. Currently, I call Vejer de la Frontera in Andalusia, Spain my base from where I travel worldwide for my work. I started out in my early twenties for a local newspaper in Dortmund with only male colleagues. Double luckily for me in Dortmund we have the giant concert hall Westfalenhalle, where regularly big stars perform, and as none of my colleagues liked to work on weekend nights, I got to shoot musicians like David Bowie, Prodigy, and Die Ärzte amongst others. I studied photo-design in Dortmund and during that time developed a deep love for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region). In 1999 I moved to Cairo, Egypt and then only came back to Germany for my final exams. Egypt was always my big love – I experienced many crazy adventures there with and without my camera. I began working for international publications, NGOs and companies like GEO magazine, Stern, Guardian, Unicef, Johns Hopkins, GIZ, ThyssenKrupp, Hilton, Goethe Institute. I discovered very early on my passion for all stories related to women. Women are so diverse, so incredibly strong, creative and inspiring and I believe it’s important for us that these stories are told. My other passion is related to environmental issues and sustainability. My mother introduced our family to all sorts of funky sustainable ideas very early on in the 80s, and she became a Greenpeace activist later for many years. I’m so grateful for the seed she planted in me, and I hope to be able to do my part to help our planet with my photography and also with other work I do. Since 2024, my partner and I have our own land where we develop a permaculture and sustainable living project that I of course also document with my camera.

I teach regularly photography workshops worldwide and since 2019 I am the photography teacher at the German Online Schule für Gestaltung (OfG- Online School of Design). Please contact me with any enquiries at


“Playful? – Roulette with the world of insects and plants”
"Verspielt? - Roulette mit der Insekten- und Pflanzenwelt"

I’m participating in the exhibition “Playful? – Roulette with the world of insects and plants”, curated by Dr. Nadja Tomoum, in Palmengarten in Frankfurt from July 18th to October 6th, 2024. I'm showing pictures from one of my favourite series, "Cabinet of Curiosities". Something completely different from my documentary work. These pictures were taken in the Cairo Agricultural Museum, my absolute favourite museum of all time. I love the atmosphere in this wonderful old palace. A total of 31 artists will show their works. We demonstrate our dependence on plants and insects through metal sculptures, video animations, sound art, photographs, paintings and other media. The art show celebrates the unique beauty of nature and raises awareness of the threatening decline in biodiversity. Are we about to gamble away our future?


Ich freue mich im Sommer 2024 an der Ausstellung „Verspielt? – Roulette mit der Insekten- und Pflanzenwelt“, kuratiert von Dr. Nadja Tomoum, im Palmengarten in Frankfurt vom 18. Juli bis 6. Oktober 2024 teilnehmen zu dürfen. Ich zeige Bilder aus einer meiner Lieblingsserien, "Kuriositätenkabinett". Mal etwas ganz anderes als meine dokumentarischen Arbeiten. Entstanden sind diese Bilder im Landwirtschaftsmuseum Kairo, mein absolutes Lieblingsmuseum aller Zeiten. Ich liebe die Atmosphäre in diesem wunderbaren alten Palast. Insgesamt 31 Künstler:Innen zeigen ihr Werke. Mit Metallskulpturen, Videoanimationen, Klangkunst, Fotografien, Malerei und anderen Medien demonstrieren wir unsere Abhängigkeit von Pflanzen und Insekten. Die Kunstschau feiert die einmalige Schönheit der Natur und sensibilisiert für den bedrohlichen Rückgang der Artenvielfalt. Sind wir dabei, unsere Zukunft zu verspielen?

New Postcards/Neue Postkarten

Accompanying the exhibition, I had 10 motifs printed as postcards. Pleasant 350g with a matt surface. You can order them directly through me (, €3 per card, or 10 cards for €25, plus postage.


Begleitend zur Ausstellung habe ich 10 Motive als Postkarten drucken lassen, angenehme 350g mit matter Oberfläche. Du kannst sie direkt über mich bestellen (, 3€ pro Karte, oder 10 für 25€, zuzüglich Porto.

New Book Published: "Call it Corona"

Mitte Oktober 2023 erschien der wunderbare Bildband "Call it Corona", in dem auch Arbeiten aus meiner "Corona Chronicles" Serie zu sehen sind.

Lockdowns, Veranstaltungs- und Reisebeschränkungen – die Corona-Pandemie hat den Alltag in Deutschland über zwei Jahre hinweg geprägt. Wie haben die Menschen diese Ausnahmezeit erlebt? 89 Fotograf:innen (fast alles FREELENS-Mitglieder) aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum haben sich mit ihrer Kamera auf die Suche nach Antworten gemacht, um ihrem zwangsweise stillgelegten Berufsleben Sinn und Struktur zu geben.

Entstanden sind dokumentarische und konzeptionelle Arbeiten, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit der damaligen Ausnahmesituation auseinandersetzen: Sie zeigen verlassene Straßen und Plätze, die Herausforderungen in den Kliniken, die Erschöpfung der Helfenden oder geben intime Einblicke in den Familienalltag. Mitunter begegnen sie der harten Realität auch mit Humor.

Enthalten sind ein Essay von Autor und Journalist Johannes von Dohnanyi und Nachworte von Panikrocker Udo Lindenberg und FREELENS-Geschäftsführerin Heike Ollertz.

Erhältlich im Buchhandel, online und auch direkt über


The wonderful illustrated book “Call it Corona” was published in mid-October 2023, which also features works from my “Corona Chronicles” series.
Lockdowns, event and travel restrictions – the corona pandemic has shaped everyday life in Germany for two years. How did people experience this exceptional time? 89 photographers searched for answers with their cameras in order to give meaning and structure to their forcedly suspended professional lives.
The result is documentary and conceptual works that deal with the exceptional situation at the time from different perspectives: They show abandoned streets and squares, the challenges in the clinics, the exhaustion of those helping, or provide intimate insights into everyday family life. Sometimes they face the harsh reality with humour.

Available in bookshops, online and directly via


Since 1999 I regularly have the opportunity to backpack through one of the most magical places of our planet: SINAI !! Publications out there, if you are looking for a story about SUSTAINABLE TOURISM, please reach out to me. Photos and text available.

During the Corona pandemic, it became clear for many people that we have lost close contact to nature and also that many of us need to slow down and concentrate on the really important and essential things in life. The Sinai Peninsula, Egypt is one of the few places on our planet where we still can find vast untouched areas, like the desert and the mountains, that offer the opportunity to (re)connect with nature in a profound way. And what could be better than hiking in magical mountains or to get really slow and contemplative during a desert trip without any car, just on foot or on top of a camel? I often stay in a tiny straw beach hut a few kilometres north of Nuweiba. Then I crave the silence of the desert in the heart of Sinai, accompanied by an experienced Bedouin desert guide. Lastly, I enjoy visiting St Catharine village, from where I usually hike different mountain trails every day until my legs can't take it any more. See the whole PHOTO GALLERY.

Affordable Photo Prints for Sale/ Erschwingliche Fotos zum Verkauf

In January 1999 I had my very first solo photo exhibition in Dortmund, Germany, showing my work about Tuareg in Algeria, where I had been travelling in 1998. Since then, I had countless solo and group exhibitions in museums, galleries and cultural institutes around the world. Obviously not all pictures get sold, and my cupboards are filled with framed and unframed, and even hand printed photos from all those years. As it is a pity to have beautiful photos stored in dark boxes, I have decided to give my work away for very affordable prices, so they can bring joy to other people. Here you see samples of unframed photos from various exhibitions. Especially those could also be perfect for offices, kindergartens, schools, NGOs, care homes. Themes among many more are: Elephants in Thailand, Daily Life in Myanmar, Tuareg in Algeria, Copts in Egypt, portraits around the world, women's football in Turkey, Egypt, Palestine and Germany, Leprosy in Egypt. Please send me a message if you want to see many options. All unframed photos are for sale between 5 - 25 euros, depending on size (from A5 to A2). The selection of framed photos and their prices you find on my BLOG.


Im Januar 1999 hatte ich meine allererste Einzelfotoausstellung in Dortmund, und zeigte meine Bilder über Tuareg in Algerien, wohin ich 1998 gereist war. Seitdem hatte ich unzählige Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen in Museen, Galerien und Kulturinstituten weltweit. Natürlich wurden nicht alle Bilder verkauft, und meine Schränke sind gefüllt mit gerahmten und ungerahmten und sogar handgedruckten Fotos aus all diesen Jahren. Da es schade ist, schöne Fotos in dunklen Kisten aufzubewahren, habe ich mich entschlossen, meine Arbeiten zu sehr erschwinglichen Preisen abzugeben, damit sie anderen Menschen Freude bereiten können. Hier siehst Du eine Auswahl einige Beispiele für ungerahmte Fotos aus verschiedenen Ausstellungen. Besonders diese könnten auch perfekt für Büros, Kindergärten, Schulen, NGOs, Pflegeeinrichtungen sein. Themen unter anderem sind: Elefanten in Thailand, Alltag in Myanmar, Tuareg in Algerien, Kopten in Ägypten, Porträts auf der ganzen Welt, Frauenfußball in der Türkei, Ägypten, Palästina und Deutschland, Lepra in Ägypten. Bitte schick mir eine Nachricht, wenn Du mehr Beispiele sehen möchtest. Alle ungerahmten Fotos kosten je nach Größe zwischen 5 - 25 Euro (A5 - A2). Die Preise für gerahmte Fotos findest Du auf meinem BLOG.


Also, for 2023 there will be five calendars with different themes available. One about the fascinating megacity Istanbul, one with beautiful snow landscapes from Iceland, another one with portraits of women from around the world, one featuring beautiful photos from Sinai and the fifth one with a more spiritual theme. The calendars are available in various online stores, but can also be ordered via any book store. You can see all of them here.

NEWS: This year you can also select the photos of your choice to create a calendar with photos from my website It will be printed on high quality paper. Different formats and sizes will be available. Please email me for more info.


Für 2023 sind wieder fünf verschiedene Kalender im Handel erhältlich. Einer über die faszinierende Metropole Istanbul, einer mit Schneelandschaften aus Island, einer mit wunderbaren Frauenportraits aus alle Welt, ein weiterer zeigt wunderschöne Szenen aus dem Sinai und der fünfte kommt mit eher spirituellen Bildern daher. Erhältlich in allen üblichen Online Shops, aber auch über lokale Buchläden zu beziehen. Alle Kalender könnt Ihr Euch hier anschauen.

NEWS: Dieses Jahr könnt Ihr Euch bei mir auch Euren eigenen WUNSCHKALENDER zusammenstellen mit Bildern von meiner website Gedruckt auf Qualitätspapier. Verschiedene Formate und Größen und Kalendarien sind möglich. Schickt mir eine Email für mehr Infos.


On 17 December 2010 Mohamed Bouazizi (born 29 March 1984 – died 4 January 2011), a Tunisian street vendor, set himself on fire in Sidi Bouzid, which became a catalyst for the Tunisian Revolution and the wider Arab Spring against autocratic regimes. Now 13 years later, only in Tunisia the political situation seems to be better than before the uprising. Find some of my photos from that time from Libya, Egypt and Tunisia on The Markaz Review.

Very excited that the EMOP Berlin - European Month of Photography takes place and that I get the chance to show pictures of my longterm project "Post-revolutionary Artists in Tunesia, Libya and Egypt" in a group exhibition organised by FREELENS Berlin at Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Thank you all for your great work to make it happen! The wonderful artist Faten Rouissi is on this poster! ❤️

My work "CORONA CHRONICLES" during lockdown was a form of art therapy for me to keep sane. During the total lockdown in Spain I created my own world every day to keep my spirits up and my mind busy with creative thoughts. The challenge was to have an idea every day and use only the things we had in the house as I couldn't buy anything.

Copyright © 2021 Claudia Wiens


IG @everydaysustainable


Member of Women Photograph

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